Katze's Diary, entry 618

02 Dec, 2020
Master of stealth


The bright cat-in-the-sky cast long shadows across the room as it set over the distant horizon. Katze slipped within the shadows, her reflective eyes the only hint a presence in the darkness, her body hidden within the fabric cave that she had crafted. She surveyed her domain, aware that the unwanted presence had not left.

As usual, the large wrong-cat was sliding up to the two-legged flesh-cats, yearning for the slightest morsel of their meal. Mostly ignored, they paced from side to side -- moving with the grace of a plump badger wearing ballet shoes. The worn-out routine went nowhere new; the wrong-cat would later slink away, filled with nothing but their desire for flesh-cat food.

Katze's tail tail twitched in annoyance. Foolish wrong-cat. Food is to be taken, not to be requested. Begging before the flesh-cats would only boost their bloated confidence, making them believe that they were in some way superior. As if.

The sound of the world-portal sliding open and closed snapped Katze's focus back to the unwanted one. It strode in, tongue hanging out like fresh flesh-popsicle, chest quaking with with the effort of breath. Spittle flung from its mouth as it plodded across the room, bumping into each of the flesh-cats, before it flopped down near the fabric-cave, glancing in Katze's direction. There was no reverence the unwanted one's eyes as it noticed Katze. She fumed.


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